Swarm Removal Contact Information

Got bees?

For Swarm/Honeybee info in Lackawanna County:

Renee Zeb (570) 335-3091

Ilona Thurston (570) 498-7310

We can get you in touch with local beekeepers in the area. These beekeepers are volunteers, if they are unable to come
or the swarm is up very high in a tree or on a chimney, etc. - leave the bees alone,
PLEASE do not spray them!!
They are not out to sting you- they have nothing to defend.
In 1-5 days they will find their new home and disperse.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Summer meetings will be held at member apiaries and not at the library.  hope for good weather to check out some bees.  tues july 11th 6:30 at beekeeper's garden in south abington and tentatively keystone college's apiary in august.  this blog isnt updated very often-  to get the news check out our very active facebook page or get on our email list-  lackawannabackyardbeekeepers@gmail.com

yours in bees-


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

winter blizzard Stella put a monkey wrench in our plans, but we will be back next week.  the library rescheduled our meeting for tuesday march 21 in the childrens room 6:30 pm at the abington community library.  hopefully everyone will be dug out and back on track!
Hope to see you then-


Thursday, March 2, 2017

our february meeting was  friday feb 10th.   24 members present.  maggie miller was unable to attend.  the meeting was run by renee czubowicz. guest speaker chris maxwell from wildcreekbees  gave a presentation about keeping your bees healthy, he addressed mite issues and how he controls them. information was available to order nucs from chris, and 12 nucs were ordered- club member elaine jackson and her husband ron will be picking up nuc orders in may.   price is as  follows $165 plus $8 nuc box plus $2 marked queen.  next meeting is tues march 14th -630 pm.  topic will be bringing your bees into spring and discussing winter losses.

if you are interested in ordering nucs, please contact chris maxwell- some may still be available.

Chris Maxwell
845 station street
lehighton, pa 18235
 remember  to include that you are part of the LBBC order and you must have a cardboard nuc ordered if elaine is  picking up your bees.  you must get your bees from elaine when she brings them home to falls.

matt amico will be extracting honey and renting an extractor from mann lake, he is happy to let anyone come and watch or bring a few frames and try extracting.  here is matt's contact info ocimam@aol.com   thanks Matt!!!!

april meeting is tues april 4th at 630 pm at the abington community library,
Yours in bees,


Monday, January 23, 2017


hello beekeepers-

once again this blog isnt very active, the majority of our info is at our facebook page. and the best way to reach us is at lackawannabackyardbeekeepers@gmail.com

happy new year! kicking off the new year is the january meeting- fri jan 13 6:30 in the ryon room at the abington community library. this meeting is geared toward those thinking about keeping bees-very basics for new beekeepers-choosing a hive, bear protection, etc. all are welcome to attend, but it may be a bit repetitive for those with more experience. we are asking $5 donation that will go to the abington community library.

for february, our meeting is friday february 10th 6:30 - we have a speaker coming in from wild creek bees they are an apiary in the Lehighton, PA.


chris asked me what sort of topic we would like- here are some choices- keeping your bees alive ( always a good one), managing your bees, northern stock bees, mite control, or if you have something in mind send me an email and ill ask. we will go with what the majority wants.

i havent had any responses from members as to setting up a directory. if anyone is interested email me your info.

thank you-

